Avoid Main Gate Heartbreak

Long story short, we are here to assist!
Correct Website: If you use a search engine to look up a show at our venue, it is important to look specifically for bendconcerts.com in the URL to make sure you end up in the right place.
Legitimate Tickets: Purchasing tickets through bendconcerts.com, ticketmaster.com, livenation.com, or in-person at the Ticket Mill is the ONLY way to guarantee you have a legitimate ticket to enter the show. Our least favorite thing to do is turn people away at the gate because they purchased a fraudulent ticket.
Locals' Deal: The Ticket Mill in the Old Mill District has the lowest fees and best prices on verified tickets; open 7 days a week (10a-6p weekdays, 11a-6p weekends). Located at 520 SW Powerhouse Dr. Suite 624 above J. Jill in the Old Mill District.
Resale Tickets: Verified Resale or Face Value Exchange through Ticketmaster/Live Nation is the only option for purchasing resale tickets that are guaranteed to be legitimate.
Patron Communication: In the event a show cancels or details change, we can access ticket buyer information from Ticketmaster and Live Nation to inform folks of the changes. When folks purchase on third-party sites, it pains us, but we’re not able to access those orders.
Ticket Mill Contact: If you’re uncertain about the website you are on, or if you have any ticketing questions at all, please give the Ticket Mill a call! They can be reached at 541-318-5457 or email info@bendconcerts.com
Please Note: ID is required at the Ticket Mill and Venue Box Office to gain assistance managing tickets i.e. resending, transferring, canceling a transfer, etc. It is best practice to have the tickets in the name and account of the person who will physically be using them to enter the venue.
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